About us

Sachchai Bharat Ki

About Us.




Who we are

Truth of India

We are the truth of India in which we only work with  what so ever is truth and reality of everyone.

Managing Director (CEO)

Javed Ansari

‘Sachcha Bharat Ki’ is a web portal in which major news of the country including Uttar Pradesh are shown. Founded in August 2021 by Javed Ansari. ‘Sachcha Bharat Ki’ was launched with the sole purpose of serving the large online community of users in India – non-English speaking users. This website has been specially created to prominently display the news of Uttar Pradesh and certain districts. We show breaking news, views and features on various national issues and developments of politicians. From international affairs to local events. It includes the latest news in the form of text, images and videos. The site is updated continuously throughout the day. The website provides updates on national news, gadgets, entertainment, lifestyle etc.

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बनारस के मंदिरों से क्यों हटाई जा रही हैं साईं बाबा की मूर्ति जानिए क्या होता है Digital Arrest हरियाणा कांग्रेस का किया संकल्प पत्र जारी, 7 वादे करेंगे पूरे पति से तलाक के बाद बेटी की परवरिश के लिए दर-दर भटक रही ये एक्ट्रेस गोविंदा की भांजी आरती सिंह का शादी के 4 महीने बाद होगा तलाक ?